
(209) 825-5610

Mountain House:

(209) 836-3597
Manteca: (209) 825-5610
Mountain House: (209) 836-3597
Manteca: (209) 825-5610
Mountain House: (209) 836-3597

Tips To Prevent Text Neck

Tips To Prevent Text Neck From Your Chiropractors In Tracy, Mountain House and Manteca

man receiving treatment for text neck from Tracy Chiropractor

What Is Text Neck?

The next time you're walking down the street, look around. There are probably a lot people on their phones. Our chiropractors in Tracy, Mountain House and Manteca want to keep you from developing issues as a result of constantly looking at your phone, a.k.a. text neck.

Text neck is a syndrome caused by excessive use of cell phones, tablets, MP3 players, and other digital portable technology. When using such devices, most people tend to bend their neck forward, round their shoulders, and "hunch over." This posture can cause prolonged strain on important tissues within the neck, upper back, shoulders, and arms.

What Are The Symptoms of Text Neck?

  • Neck Pain

  • Shoulder, Arm, and Wrist/Hand Pain

  • Headaches

  • Stiff Neck

  • Tingling and Numbness

These symptoms are usually worse immediately following prolonged cell phone use, but may persist long after you've put the gadget down. If left unchecked and untreated, text neck may even lead to long-term health complications including arthritis, disc herniation, chronic pain, nerve damage, decreased lung volume, and gastrointestinal issues. 

Am I At Risk For Text Neck?

Here's a helpful hint: the way you keep your posture while using your cell phone may be an important warning sign for text neck. The next time you take out your phone, ask yourself: are you looking down and hunching forward? If you are, now try to think about how much time you spend each day in that very same position. Imagine the kind of strain and pressure that repeated posture will put on bones, ligaments, muscles, tendons, nerves, and other structures within your spine! 

Tips To Prevent Text Neck From Your Chiropractors In Tracy, Mountain House and Manteca

The staff at Valley Chiropractic utilizes digital technology as much as you do. So don't worry, we're not going to tell you to ditch the cell phone (completely) and switch back to a landline. Instead, here are a few helpful and realistic tips from your chiropractors in Tracy, Mountain House and Manteca: 

1. Fix your posture - When using your phone to text, sit or stand up straight with your shoulders back. Hold your phone up at eye level (toward the horizon), keeping your arms relaxed. 

2. Dial down the phone use - If at all possible, start to wean down the amount of time you spend on your phone. Try to use a laptop or desktop computer for checking emails and surfing the web, since the screens are larger and it's usually a little easier to maintain good posture when using them. 

3. Ask a professional - Chiropractors are highly skilled in evaluating body mechanics and can teach you ways to improve your posture. In addition to prevention, chiropractic care can also provide treatment for symptoms of text neck, while also identifying and addressing underlying factors which may be contributing to your text neck. 

Is Your Cell Phone Giving You A Sore, Stiff Neck? Visit Valley Chiropractic Today For Help

At Valley Chiropractic, we're proud to offer the best of what chiropractic care can be--drug-free and all-natural treatment approaches, including spinal adjustments, massage, corrective exercises, and lifestyle counseling--all while utilizing state-of-the-art technology in a friendly and professional environment. If you're from the area of Tracy, Mountain House, or Manteca, CA and are looking for relief from your stiff neck, call Valley Chiropractic today to schedule your FREE initial consultation.


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